Get Involved
Want to volunteer with us? Drop a line below and a team member will reach out to you!
4 Reasons to join the Boosters:
1. Your Student Benefits
The Boosters are an important part of the school community and help to enrich your student’s school experience. Our fundraising helps to make necessary campus improvements and helps provide valuable resources for every classroom.
2. To Make a Difference
The Boosters organize many annual events including the Talent Show and the International Festival. These types of events help create a real sense of community and benefit the students. We also take the time to appreciate our staff and teachers. They work so hard in the classrooms and on campus to keep the school running smoothly, and it makes a big difference to them to see their efforts recognized.
3. We Have Fun and Make Friends
Being part of the Boosters is a fun, rewarding experience. Volunteering together while working towards common goals is such a fulfilling journey, and many long-lasting friendships are formed while being a part of our team!
4. Feel Involved
Whether you join our team in a leadership capacity or by volunteering a few hours at one of our many events, there is no better way to feel like you are an integral part of the school community.