Our Goals Include:
Supporting Student Needs
Enhancing the School (including campus improvements and classroom resources)
Appreciating the Staff
Increasing Family Engagement
Organizing Events to Help Create Lasting Memories for our students, families, and staff!
The BASIS Pflugerville Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to enrich the lives of students and staff, and to foster a strong school community.
We are a 100% volunteer-driven, parent-led organization. We always need and welcome volunteers. As you know, many hands make light work. If more families come forward, the workload can be shared, making it easier to keep our organization running smoothly. We also need to keep continuity throughout the years. As students move on from the school, there is a chance that there will no longer be any Boosters to carry on providing this valued resource. So we appreciate your involvement and support!